Encontrados 52 resultados para: Commanders/page/4/page/3/page/2

  • Moses was angry with the commanders of the army, the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds, who had come back from this battle. (Numbers 31, 14)

  • When they have finished speaking, commanders shall be put at the head of the people. (Deuteronomy 20, 9)

  • Your roots, O Ephraim, are in Amalek; your brother Benjamin is behind you among your army. From Machir the commanders marched down; from Zebulun the leaders bearing the brass staff. (Judges 5, 14)

  • Some he will assign as commanders over a thousand men and commanders over fifty. Others will till his ground and reap his harvest, make his implements of war and the equipment for his chariots. (1 Samuel 8, 12)

  • David then mustered the men who were with him and set over them commanders of a thousand men and commanders of a hundred men. He sent forth the army, of which one third was under the command of Joab; (2 Samuel 18, 1)

  • The king ordered Joab, Abishai and Ittai, "Don't hurt the young man Absalom for my sake." All the army heard the king giving orders to all the commanders concerning Absalom. (2 Samuel 18, 5)

  • Yes, you love those who hate you and hate those who love you. For you have made it clear today that your commanders and guards mean nothing to you. I know that if Absalom were alive today and all of us dead, you would be pleased. (2 Samuel 19, 7)

  • The king said to Joab and the commanders of the army who were with him, "Go through all the tribes of Israel from Dan to Beersheba and count the people that I may know how many they are." (2 Samuel 24, 2)

  • But the king's word prevailed so that Joab and the commanders of the army went out from the king's presence in order to count the people of Israel. (2 Samuel 24, 4)

  • Now you know what Joab, the son of Zeruiah did to me - how he dealt with the two commanders of Israel's armies, Abner the son of Ner, and Amasa the son of Jether. These two he murdered, avenging, in time of peace, blood which had been shed in time of war. He has thus stained with innocent blood the belt I wear and the sandals on my feet. (1 Kings 2, 5)

  • Of the people of Israel, however, Solomon made no slaves. They were the soldiers, his officials, his commanders, his captains, his chariot commanders and horsemen. (1 Kings 9, 22)

  • Then Joram went to attack the city of Zair with all his chariots of war. Rising by night he managed to escape from the Edomites, who had surrounded him and his chariot commanders, but the troops had fled. (2 Kings 8, 21)

“Feliz a alma que atinge o nível de perfeição que Deus deseja!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina