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  • Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth which the Lord God made. And he said to the woman: Why hath God commanded you, that you should not eat of every tree of paradise? (Genesis 3, 1)

  • And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death. (Genesis 3, 4)

  • And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat. (Genesis 3, 13)

  • And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and the beasts of the earth: upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. (Genesis 3, 14)

  • Let Dan be a snake in the way, a serpent in the path, that biteth the horse's heels that his rider may fall backward. (Genesis 49, 17)

  • And she adopted him for a son, and called him Moses, saying: Because I took him out of the water. (Exodus 2, 10)

  • In those days after Moses was grown up, he went out to his brethren: and saw their affliction, and an Egyptian striking one of the Hebrews his brethren. (Exodus 2, 11)

  • But he answered: Who hath appointed thee prince and judge over us: wilt thou kill me, as thou didst yesterday kill the Egyptian? Moses feared, and said: How is this come to be known ? (Exodus 2, 14)

  • And Pharao heard of this word and sought to kill Moses: but he fled from his sight, and abode in the land of Madian, and he sat down by a well. (Exodus 2, 15)

  • And the shepherds came and drove them away: and Moses arose, and defending the maids, watered their sheep. (Exodus 2, 17)

  • And Moses swore that he would dwell with him. And he took Sephora his daughter to wife: (Exodus 2, 21)

  • Now Moses fed the sheep of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Madian: and he drove the flock to the inner parts of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. (Exodus 3, 1)

“Pobres e desafortunadas as almas que se envolvem no turbilhão de preocupações deste mundo. Quanto mais amam o mundo, mais suas paixões crescem, mais queimam de desejos, mais se tornam incapazes de atingir seus objetivos. E vêm, então, as inquietações, as impaciências e terríveis sofrimentos profundos, pois seus corações não palpitam com a caridade e o amor. Rezemos por essas almas desafortunadas e miseráveis, para que Jesus, em Sua infinita misericórdia, possa perdoá-las e conduzi-las a Ele.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina