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  • And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. (Genesis 1, 2)

  • And God said: My spirit shall not remain in man for ever, because he is flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. (Genesis 6, 3)

  • Saying: Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not taken away his mercy and truth from my master, and hath brought me the straight way into the house of my master's brother. (Genesis 24, 27)

  • Wherefore if you do according to mercy and truth with my master, tell me: but if it please you otherwise, tell me that also, that I may go to the right hand, or to the left. (Genesis 24, 49)

  • And let peoples serve thee, and tribes worship thee: be thou lord of thy brethren, and let they mother's children bow down before thee. Cursed be he that curseth thee: and let him that blesseth thee be filled with blessings. (Genesis 27, 29)

  • I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies, and of thy truth which thou hast fulfilled to thy servant. With my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I return with two companies. (Genesis 32, 10)

  • And when he had told this to his father and brethren, his father rebuked him, and said: What meaneth this dream that thou hast dreamed? shall I and thy mother, and thy brethren worship thee upon the earth? (Genesis 37, 10)

  • The other he hanged on a gibbet, that the truth of the interpreter might be shewn. (Genesis 40, 22)

  • And he said to them: Can we find such another man, that is full of the spirit of God? (Genesis 41, 38)

  • They, on the other side, told the whole order of the thing. And when he saw the wagons and all that he had sent his spirit revived, (Genesis 45, 27)

  • And when he saw that the day of his death drew nigh, he called his son Joseph, and said to him: If I have found favour in thy sight, put thy hand under my thigh; and thou shalt shew me this kindness and truth, not to bury me in Egypt: (Genesis 47, 29)

  • And Moses told all this to the children of Israel: but they did not hearken to him, for anguish of spirit, and most painful work. (Exodus 6, 9)

“A divina bondade não só não rejeita as almas arrependidas, como também vai em busca das almas teimosas”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina