Encontrados 64 resultados para: weak/page/2/page/5/page/6

  • When Isaac had grown old, and his eyes were so weak that he could no longer see, he summoned his elder son Esau. 'Son!' he said, and Esau replied, 'Here I am.' (Genesis 27, 1)

  • But Jacob replied, 'As my lord knows, the children are weak, and the sheep and cows which have calved make it hard for me. If they are driven too hard, even for one day, the whole drove will die. (Genesis 33, 13)

  • Joseph remembered the dreams he had had about them, and said to them, 'You are spies. You have come to discover the country's weak points.' (Genesis 42, 9)

  • 'Oh no,' he replied, 'you have come to discover the country's weak points.' (Genesis 42, 12)

  • And on all the earth around there was now no food anywhere, for the famine had grown very severe, and Egypt and Canaan were both weak with hunger. (Genesis 47, 13)

  • See what sort of country it is, and what sort of people the inhabitants are, whether they are strong or weak, few or many, (Numbers 13, 18)

  • Immediately Saul fell full length on the ground. He was terrified by what Samuel had said and was also weak from having eaten nothing all that day and night. (1 Samuel 28, 20)

  • Then David and the people with him wept aloud till they were too weak to weep any more. (1 Samuel 30, 4)

  • I, though anointed king, am weak at present, and these men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too strong for me. May Yahweh repay the criminal as his crime deserves!' (2 Samuel 3, 39)

  • that was why their inhabitants, feeble of hand, were dismayed and discomfited, were weak as grass, were frail as plants, were like grass of housetop and meadow under the east wind. (2 Kings 19, 26)

  • 'Why should we be afraid of the Israelites? They are a weak and powerless people, quite unable to stand a stiff attack. (Judith 5, 23)

  • Their little children pined away, the women and young men grew weak with thirst; they collapsed in the streets and gateways of the town; they had no strength left. (Judith 7, 22)

“As almas! As almas! Se alguém soubesse o preço que custam”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina