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  • In the future, whenever you check on these wages of mine, let my honesty testify against me: any animal in my possession that is not a speckled or spotted goat, or a dark sheep, got there by theft!" (Genesis 30, 33)

  • As you have anointed their father, anoint them also as my priests. Thus, by being anointed, shall they receive a perpetual priesthood throughout all future generations." (Exodus 40, 15)

  • "Tell them: If any one of you, or of your descendants in any future generation, dares, while he is in a state of uncleanness, to draw near the sacred offerings which the Israelites consecrate to the LORD, such a one shall be cut off from my presence. I am the LORD. (Leviticus 21, 3)

  • Likewise, in any future generation, any alien residing with you permanently or for a time, who presents a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD, shall do as you do. (Numbers 15, 14)

  • "Future generations, your own descendants who will rise up after you, as well as the foreigners who will come here from far-off lands, when they see the calamities of this land and the ills with which the LORD has smitten it-- (Deuteronomy 29, 21)

  • For I know that after my death you are sure to become corrupt and to turn aside from the way along which I directed you, so that evil will befall you in some future age because you have done evil in the LORD'S sight, and provoked him by your deeds." (Deuteronomy 31, 29)

  • If they had insight they would realize what happened, they would understand their future and say, (Deuteronomy 32, 29)

  • In the future, these are to be a sign among you. When your children ask you what these stones mean to you, (Joshua 4, 6)

  • saying to the Israelites, "In the future, when the children among you ask their fathers what these stones mean, (Joshua 4, 21)

  • We did it rather out of our anxious concern lest in the future your children should say to our children: 'What have you to do with the LORD, the God of Israel? (Joshua 22, 24)

  • but as evidence for you on behalf of ourselves and our descendants, that we have the right to worship the LORD in his presence with our holocausts, sacrifices, and peace offerings. Now in the future your children cannot say to our children, 'You have no share in the LORD.' (Joshua 22, 27)

  • Our thought was, that if in the future they should speak thus to us or to our descendants, we could answer: 'Look at the model of the altar of the LORD which our fathers made, not for holocausts or for sacrifices, but to witness between you and us.' (Joshua 22, 28)

“De todos os que vierem pedir meu auxílio, nunca perderei nenhum!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina