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  • Cush's sons: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca. Raamah's sons: Sheba, Dedan. (Genesis 10, 7)

  • Obal, Abimael, Sheba, (Genesis 10, 28)

  • Jokshan was the father of Sheba and Dedan, and the sons of Dedan were the Asshurites, the Letushites, and the Leummites. (Genesis 25, 3)

  • Hazar-shual, Beer-sheba, Biziothiah, (Joshua 15, 28)

  • For they had Beer-sheba, Shema, Moladah; (Joshua 19, 2)

  • So all the children of Israel, the whole community from Dan to Beer-sheba, gathered as one man, including the land of Gilead, before Yahweh at Mizpah. (Judges 20, 1)

  • There happened to be there a base fellow named Sheba, son of Bichri, a Benjaminite, who sounded the trumpet and said, "We have nothing to do with David. What can we expect from the son of Jesse? Go back, O Israelites, each man to his home!" (2 Samuel 20, 1)

  • So all the Israelites left David and followed Sheba the son of Bichri. The men of Judah, however, steadfastly followed their king from the Jordan to Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 20, 2)

  • David then said to Abishai, "Sheba son of Bichri, will do us more harm than Absalom. Take my guards and pursue him lest he flee to any fortified city and escape from us." (2 Samuel 20, 6)

  • So Abishai, with the men of Joab, the Cherethites, Pelethites and all the warriors, left Jerusalem to pursue Sheba, son of Bichri. (2 Samuel 20, 7)

  • Amasa did not notice the sword which he held until Joab stabbed him, shedding his entrails to the ground. Amasa died on the spot without need of a second thrust. Then Joab and Abishai his brother pursued Sheba, son of Bichri. (2 Samuel 20, 10)

  • When he was removed from the highway, the people followed Joab in pursuit of Sheba, son of Bichri. (2 Samuel 20, 13)

“Rezai e continuai a rezar para não ficardes entorpecidos”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina