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  • Joseph answered: God forbid that should do so: he that stole the cup, he shall be my bondman: and go you away free to your father. (Genesis 44, 17)

  • From that time unto this day, in the whole land of Egypt, the fifth part is paid to the king, and it is become as a law, except the land of the priests, which was free from this covenant. (Genesis 47, 26)

  • If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve thee: in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. (Exodus 21, 2)

  • And if the servant shall say: I love my master and my wife and children, I will not go out free: (Exodus 21, 5)

  • If he do not these three things, she shall go out free without money. (Exodus 21, 11)

  • If any man strike the eye of his manservant or maidservant, and leave them but one eye, he shall let them go free for the eye which he put out. (Exodus 21, 26)

  • Also if he strike out a tooth of his manservant or maidservant, he shall in like manner make them free. (Exodus 21, 27)

  • If a man carnally lie with a woman that is a bondservant and marriageable, and yet not redeemed with a price, nor made free: they both shall be scourged, and they shall not be put to death, because she was not a free woman. (Leviticus 19, 20)

  • We remember the Ash that we ate in Egypt free cost: the cucumbers come into our mind, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic. (Numbers 11, 5)

  • When thy brother a Hebrew man, or Hebrew woman is sold to thee, and hath served thee six years, in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free: (Deuteronomy 15, 12)

  • And when thou sendest him out free, thou shalt not let him go away empty: (Deuteronomy 15, 13)

  • Remember that thou also wast a bondservant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God made thee free, and therefore I now command thee this. (Deuteronomy 15, 15)

“Meu Deus, perdoa-me. Nunca Te ofereci nada na minha vida e, agora, por este pouco que estou sofrendo, em comparação a tudo o que Tu sofreste na Cruz, eu reclamo injustamente!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina