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  • In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, and on the seventeenth day of the month, that very day all the springs of the great deep burst through, and the sluices of heaven opened. (Genesis 7, 11)

  • It was in the six hundred and first year of Noah's life, in the first month and on the first of the month, that the waters began drying out on earth. Noah lifted back the hatch of the ark and looked out. The surface of the ground was dry! (Genesis 8, 13)

  • For twelve years they had been under the yoke of Chedor-Laomer, but in the thirteenth year they revolted. (Genesis 14, 4)

  • In the fourteenth year Chedor-Laomer arrived and the kings who had allied themselves with him. They defeated the Rephaim at Ashteroth-Carnaim, the Zuzim at Ham, the Emim in the Plain of Kiriathaim, (Genesis 14, 5)

  • He said to him, 'Bring me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old she-goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove and a young pigeon.' (Genesis 15, 9)

  • But my covenant I shall maintain with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear you at this time next year.' (Genesis 17, 21)

  • Then his guest said, 'I shall come back to you next year, and then your wife Sarah will have a son.' Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent behind him. (Genesis 18, 10)

  • Nothing is impossible for Yahweh. I shall come back to you at the same time next year and Sarah will have a son.' (Genesis 18, 14)

  • Isaac sowed his crops in that country, and that year he reaped a hundredfold. Yahweh blessed him (Genesis 26, 12)

  • Before the year of famine came, two sons were born to Joseph: Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore him these. (Genesis 41, 50)

  • For this is the second year there has been famine in the country, and there are still five years to come without ploughing or harvest. (Genesis 45, 6)

  • So they brought their livestock to Joseph, and Joseph gave them food in exchange for horses and livestock, whether sheep or cattle, and for donkeys. Thus he saw them through that year with food in exchange for all their livestock. (Genesis 47, 17)

“Vive-se de fé, não de sonhos.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina