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  • Let him not become estranged from his countrymen through pride, nor turn aside to the right or to the left from these commandments. Then he and his descendants will enjoy a long reign in Israel. (Deuteronomy 17, 20)

  • But then Hezekiah humbled himself for his pride--both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and therefore the LORD did not vent his anger on them during the time of Hezekiah. (2 Chronicles 32, 26)

  • See their pride, and send forth your wrath upon their heads. Give me, a widow, the strong hand to execute my plan. (Judith 9, 9)

  • With the guile of my lips, smite the slave together with the ruler, the ruler together with his servant; crush their pride by the hand of a woman. (Judith 9, 10)

  • Though his pride mount up to the heavens and his head reach to the clouds, (Job 20, 6)

  • For he brings down the pride of the haughty, but the man of humble mien he saves. (Job 22, 29)

  • By turning man from evil and keeping pride away from him, (Job 33, 17)

  • Though thus they cry out, he answers not against the pride of the wicked. (Job 35, 12)

  • Then he makes known to them what they have done and their sins of boastful pride. (Job 36, 9)

  • But from the wicked the light is withheld, and the arm of pride is shattered. (Job 38, 15)

  • For the sinful words of their mouths and lips let them be caught in their pride. For the lies they have told under oath (Psalms 59, 13)

  • Thus pride adorns them as a necklace; violence clothes them as a robe. (Psalms 73, 6)

“O medo excessivo nos faz agir sem amor, mas a confiança excessiva não nos deixa considerar o perigo que vamos enfrentar”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina