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  • And after he conceived Seth, the days of Adam that passed were eight hundred years. And he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 4)

  • And after he conceived Enos, Seth lived for eight hundred and seven years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 7)

  • After his birth, he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 10)

  • And after he conceived Mahalalel, Cainan lived for eight hundred and forty years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 13)

  • And after he conceived Jared, Mahalalel lived for eight hundred and thirty years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 16)

  • And after he conceived Enoch, Jared lived for eight hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 19)

  • And Enoch walked with God. And after he conceived Methuselah, he lived for three hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 22)

  • And after he conceived Lamech, Methuselah lived for seven hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 26)

  • And after he conceived Noah, Lamech lived for five hundred and ninety-five years, and he conceived sons and daughters. (Genesis 5, 30)

  • And when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, (Genesis 6, 1)

  • the sons of God, seeing that the daughters of men were beautiful, took to themselves wives from all whom they chose. (Genesis 6, 2)

  • Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they conceived, these became the powerful ones of ancient times, men of renown. (Genesis 6, 4)

“Os talentos de que fala o Evangelho são os cinco sentidos, a inteligência e a vontade. Quem tem mais talentos, tem maior dever de usá-los para o bem dos outros.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina