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  • But Joash said to the angry crowd, "Are you going to defend Baal and save him? If he is god, let him defend himself when someone destroys his altar." (Judges 6, 31)

  • Then a prophet approached Ahab king of Israel and said, "Have you seen this immense crowd? This is the word of Yahweh: I will deliver it into your hands today and you shall know that I am Yahweh." (1 Kings 20, 13)

  • A man of God approached the king of Israel and said to him, "Thus says Yahweh: Because the Arameans have said: 'Yahweh is a god of the hills but not of the valleys,' therefore I will deliver this immense crowd into your hands and you shall know that I am Yahweh." (1 Kings 20, 28)

  • The king had appointed his shield bearer to keep watch at the city gates. But he was crushed right there by the crowd, so that he died, (2 Kings 7, 17)

  • When Athaliah heard the noise of the people, she approached the crowd surrounding the House of Yahweh. (2 Kings 11, 13)

  • While Ezra bowed before the House of God, weeping, praying and making this confession, a great crowd of men, women and children of Israel were gathered around him; and these people wept bitterly. (Ezra 10, 1)

  • Then he returned to Nineveh with a great crowd of followers and a considerable multitude of soldiers. He and his entire army stayed there amusing themselves and feasting for one hundred and twenty days. (Judith 1, 16)

  • They were accompanied by a great crowd of people, so many were they that they were like locusts or the dust of the earth. (Judith 2, 20)

  • All his valiant warriors moved that day; the forces of fighting men numbered one hundred and seventy thousand foot soldiers and twelve thousand cavalry, without counting the baggage and the men who looked after it as well as the crowd of people who accompanied them - a considerable crowd. (Judith 7, 2)

  • When the Israelites saw how numerous they were, they were extremely afraid and said to one another, "Without doubt this crowd is going to devour all the country, neither the high mountains nor the ravines nor the hills will be able to put a stop to their progress." (Judith 7, 4)

  • The Edomites and the Ammonites climbed up and camped on the mountain near Dothan; they sent some of their men to the south and to the east facing Egrebel, near Chusi, which is on the torrent of Mochmur. The rest of the Assyrian army encamped in the plain, covering the whole countryside. The camp site covered by their tents and their bag-gage spread out wide for they were an enormous crowd. (Judith 7, 18)

  • keeping silent by myself, because I feared the crowd and their contempt? (Job 31, 34)

“Como é belo esperar!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina