Found 125 Results for: wickedness/page/1/page/6

  • Yahweh saw how great was the wickedness of man on the earth and that evil was always the only thought of his heart. (Genesis 6, 5)

  • Your descendants of the fourth generation will come back here, for the wickedness of the Amorites has not yet deserved that I take the land from them." (Genesis 15, 16)

  • He shows loving-kindness to the thousandth generation and forgives wickedness, rebellion and sin; yet he does not leave the guilty without punishment, even punishing the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34, 7)

  • He then said, "If you really look kindly on me, my Lord, please come and walk in our midst and even though we are a stiff-necked people, pardon our wickedness and our sin and make us yours." (Exodus 34, 9)

  • He shall lay his hands on the head of the goat and confess over it all the wickedness of the sons of Israel and all the sins they have committed against me. So he will charge them on the head of the goat and the wickedness of the sons of Israel and all the sins they have committed against me. So he will charge them on the head of the goat and send it away to the wilderness by the hand of an assistant. (Leviticus 16, 21)

  • So the goat will carry away all their wickedness to an arid land, when the man releases it in the wilderness. (Leviticus 16, 22)

  • Do not have intercourse with both a woman and her daughter or her granddaughter; they are blood relatives; that is wickedness. (Leviticus 18, 17)

  • You shall not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness. (Leviticus 19, 29)

  • It is wicked for a man to marry both a woman and her mother. He and they must be burned in the fire so that there may be no wickedness among you. (Leviticus 20, 14)

  • It is a wickedness for a man to take his brother's wife. He has dishonored his brother and they will be childless. (Leviticus 20, 21)

  • Those among you who remain will rot away because of their wickedness in the land of your enemies and because of the wickedness of their fathers they will rot away with them. (Leviticus 26, 39)

  • you are slow to anger and rich in steadfast love: you forgive sin and rebellion, yet you do not declare innocent those who are guilty, but you punish children to the third and fourth generation for the wickedness of their fathers. (Numbers 14, 18)

“Subamos sem nos cansarmos, sob a celeste vista do Salvador. Distanciemo-nos das afeições terrenas. Despojemo-nos do homem velho e vistamo-nos do homem novo. Aspiremos à felicidade que nos está reservada.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina