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  • But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are about to die because of the woman you have taken, for she has a husband." (Genesis 20, 3)

  • God answered him in the dream: "Yes, I know you did it in good faith. In fact, it was I who kept you from sinning against me; that is why I did not let you touch her. (Genesis 20, 6)

  • His brother came out next, gripping Esau's heel; so they named him Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born. (Genesis 25, 26)

  • As the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man who lived in the open; whereas Jacob was a simple man, who kept to his tents. (Genesis 25, 27)

  • Isaac preferred Esau, because he was fond of game; but Rebekah preferred Jacob. (Genesis 25, 28)

  • Once, when Jacob was cooking a stew, Esau came in from the open, famished. (Genesis 25, 29)

  • He said to Jacob, "Let me gulp down some of that red stuff; I'm starving." (That is why he was called Edom.) (Genesis 25, 30)

  • But Jacob replied, "First give me your birthright in exchange for it." (Genesis 25, 31)

  • But Jacob insisted, "Swear to me first!" So he sold Jacob his birthright under oath. (Genesis 25, 33)

  • Jacob then gave him some bread and the lentil stew; and Esau ate, drank, got up, and went his way. Esau cared little for his birthright. (Genesis 25, 34)

  • Rebekah said to her son Jacob, "Listen! I overheard your father tell your brother Esau, (Genesis 27, 6)

  • "But my brother Esau is a hairy man," said Jacob to his mother Rebekah, "and I am smooth-skinned! (Genesis 27, 11)

“O temor e a confiança devem dar as mãos e proceder como irmãos. Se nos damos conta de que temos muito temor devemos recorrer à confiança. Se confiamos excessivamente devemos ter um pouco de temor”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina