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  • consider the land, as to what kind it may be, and the people, who are its inhabitants, whether they may be strong or weak, whether they may be few in number or many, (Numbers 13, 19)

  • And Samson answered her, “If I will be bound with seven cords, made of sinews not yet dry, but still damp, I will be weak like other men.” (Judges 16, 7)

  • And he answered her, “If I will be bound with new cords, which have never been used, I will be weak and like other men.” (Judges 16, 11)

  • And Delilah spoke to him again: “How long will you deceive me and tell me falsehoods? Reveal with what you ought to be bound.” And Samson responded to her, “If you weave the seven locks of my head with a loom, and if you tie these around a spike and fix it to the ground, I will be weak.” (Judges 16, 13)

  • The bow of the powerful has been overwhelmed, and the weak have been girded with strength. (1 Samuel 2, 4)

  • And when the men of Israel had gone up, he himself stood fast and struck down the Philistines, until his hand grew weak and stiff with the sword. And the Lord wrought a great salvation on that day. And the people who had fled returned to take up the spoils of the slain. (2 Samuel 23, 10)

  • And whoever may settle in these, they have trembled, with a weak hand, and they have been confounded. They have become like the hay of the field, and like weeds sprouting on the rooftops, which dry up before they reached maturity. (2 Kings 19, 26)

  • they delivered it into the hands of those who were in charge of the workers in the house of the Lord, so that they might repair the temple, and restore whatever was weak. (2 Chronicles 34, 10)

  • Whose assistant are you? Is he weak-minded? And do you sustain the arm of him that is not strong? (Job 26, 2)

  • Likewise, he rebukes by sorrow in bed, and he causes all of his bones to become weak. (Job 33, 19)

  • Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my bones have become disturbed, (Psalms 6, 3)

  • The sons of foreigners have been deceitful to me, the sons of foreigners have grown weak with time, and they have wavered from their paths. (Psalms 17, 46)

“E’ na dor que o amor se torna mais forte.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina