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  • Abraham then ran to the herd, took a fine, tender calf, gave it to the servant who hurried to prepare it. (Genesis 18, 7)

  • He took butter and milk and together with the calf he had prepared laid it all before them. And while he remained standing, they ate. (Genesis 18, 8)

  • For the two ends of the mercy Seat you are to make two golden cherubim of hammered gold. (Exodus 25, 18)

  • You are to surround it with a frame three inches wide, and decorate these with a golden edge. (Exodus 25, 25)

  • You must also make golden rosettes, (Exodus 28, 13)

  • He took what they gave him and with a graving tool made the gold into a molten calf. They then said, "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of Egypt." (Exodus 32, 4)

  • Now, when Aaron saw this, he built an altar before the molten calf and cried out, "Tomorrow will be a feastday for Yahweh." (Exodus 32, 5)

  • They have quickly turned from the way I commanded them and have made for themselves a molten calf; they have bowed down before it and sacrificed to it and said: 'These are your gods, Israel, who brought you out of Egypt." (Exodus 32, 8)

  • When he drew near to the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burst forth and he threw the slabs from his hands and shattered them against the base of the mountain. (Exodus 32, 19)

  • Then he seized the calf they had made and burned it in the fire, grinding it into a powder that he scattered over the surface of the water, and this he made the Israelites drink. (Exodus 32, 20)

  • I then said to them that whoever had gold was to give it over to me. I threw it in the fire and out came this calf!" (Exodus 32, 24)

  • And so Yahweh punished the people with a plague because of the calf Aaron had made for them. (Exodus 32, 35)

O sábio elogia a mulher forte dizendo: os seu dedos manejaram o fuso. A roca é o alvo dos seus desejos. Fie, portanto, cada dia um pouco. Puxe fio a fio até a execução e, infalivelmente, você chegará ao fim. Mas não tenha pressa, pois senão você poderá misturar o fio com os nós e embaraçar tudo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina