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  • those born in your household or bought from a foreigner to be slaves. Whether born in your household or bought to be slaves, they must be circumcised. So my covenant will be written in your flesh as an everlasting covenant. (Genesis 17, 13)

  • And every male in his household, whether born in his household or bought with money from a foreigner, was circumcised with him. (Genesis 17, 27)

  • But they replied, "Get out of the way! This fellow is a foreigner and he wants to play the judge! Now we will do worse with you than with them." They pressed hard against Lot and drew near in order to break the door. (Genesis 19, 9)

  • For seven days there will be no leaven in your houses. Anyone who eats what is leavened will be cut off from the community of Israel whether foreigner or native born. (Exodus 12, 19)

  • Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, "These are the precepts for the celebration of the Passover. No foreigner is to eat it, (Exodus 12, 43)

  • There shall be only one law for you and for the foreigner among you. This is a law that shall bind your descendants forever before Yahweh: you and the stranger are alike. (Numbers 15, 15)

  • These six towns will be a refuge for the people of Israel as well as for the stranger and the foreigner among you, where anyone who has killed accidentally may find safety. (Numbers 35, 15)

  • And I gave this order to the judges: 'Attend to the complaints of your brothers, and judge with justice the lawsuit between an Israelite and his brother, or between an Israelite and a foreigner who lives in your midst. (Deuteronomy 1, 16)

  • But the seventh day is the Day of Rest in honor of Yahweh, your God. Do not do any work, you or your child, or your servant, or your ox, or your donkey, or any of your animals. Neither will the foreigner who lives in your land work. Your servant will rest just like you. (Deuteronomy 5, 14)

  • Do not eat any animal that you find dead. You may give it to the foreigner who lives in your city, or sell it to the stranger, for you are a people consecrated to Yahweh, your God. Do not boil a kid in its mother's milk. (Deuteronomy 14, 21)

  • Then the Levite among you who has no inheritance of his own, and the foreigner, the orphan and the widow who live in your cities may come and eat, and be satisfied. So Yahweh will bless all the works of your hands, all that you undertake. (Deuteronomy 14, 29)

  • You may demand that a foreigner pay back his debts but you shall pardon the debt of your brother. (Deuteronomy 15, 3)

“Para consolar uma alma na sua dor, mostre-lhe todo o bem que ela ainda pode fazer.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina