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  • Solomon replied, 'You showed most faithful love to your servant David, my father, when he lived his life before you in faithfulness and uprightness and integrity of heart; you have continued this most faithful love to him by allowing a son of his to sit on his throne today. (1 Kings 3, 6)

  • 'Knowing, my God, how you examine our motives and how you delight in integrity, with integrity of motive I have willingly given all this and have been overjoyed to see your people, now present here, willingly offering their gifts to you. (1 Chronicles 29, 17)

  • and Jehoshaphat gave them the following charge: 'In fear of Yahweh and with conscientious integrity, this is how you are to act: (2 Chronicles 19, 9)

  • So Yahweh asked him, 'Did you pay any attention to my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth: a sound and honest man who fears God and shuns evil. He persists in his integrity still; you achieved nothing by provoking me to ruin him.' (Job 2, 3)

  • Then his wife said to him, 'Why persist in this integrity of yours? Curse God and die.' (Job 2, 9)

  • Does not your piety give you confidence, and your integrity of life give you hope? (Job 4, 6)

  • Believe me, God neither spurns anyone of integrity, nor lends his aid to the evil. (Job 8, 20)

  • Anyone becomes a laughing-stock to his friends if he cries to God and expects an answer. People laugh at anyone who has integrity and is upright. (Job 12, 4)

  • Far from admitting you to be in the right, I shall maintain my integrity to my dying day. (Job 27, 5)

  • Let him weigh me on accurate scales: then he, God, will recognise my integrity! (Job 31, 6)

  • (Yahweh judges the nations.) Judge me, Yahweh, as my uprightness and my integrity deserve. (Psalms 7, 8)

  • INTEGRITY and generosity are marks of Yahweh for he brings sinners back to the path. (Psalms 25, 8)

“Cuide de estar sempre em estado de graça.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina