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  • And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and magnify your name, and you will be blessed. (Genesis 12, 2)

  • I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12, 3)

  • And I will bless her, and from her I will give you a son, whom I will bless, and he will be among the nations, and the kings of the peoples will rise from him.” (Genesis 17, 16)

  • Likewise, concerning Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless and enlarge him, and I will multiply him greatly. He will produce twelve leaders, and I will make him into a great nation. (Genesis 17, 20)

  • I will bless you, and I will multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven, and like the sand which is on the seashore. Your offspring will possess the gates of their enemies. (Genesis 22, 17)

  • and sojourn in it, and I will be with you, and I will bless you. For to you and to your offspring I will give all these regions, completing the oath that I promised to Abraham your father. (Genesis 26, 3)

  • where the Lord appeared to him on the same night, saying: “I am the God of Abraham your father. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will bless you, and I will multiply your offspring because of my servant Abraham.” (Genesis 26, 24)

  • make from it a small meal for me, just as you know I like, and bring it, so that I may eat and my soul may bless you before I die.” (Genesis 27, 4)

  • ‘Bring to me from your hunting, and make me foods, so that I may eat and bless you in the sight of the Lord before I die.’ (Genesis 27, 7)

  • Then, when you have brought these in and he has eaten, he may bless you before he dies.” (Genesis 27, 10)

  • And Jacob said: “I am Esau, your firstborn. I have done as you instructed me. Arise; sit and eat from my hunting, so that your soul may bless me.” (Genesis 27, 19)

  • Then he said, “Bring me the foods from your hunting, my son, so that my soul may bless you.” And when he had eaten what was offered, he also brought forth wine for him. And after he finished it, (Genesis 27, 25)

“Há duas razões principais para se orar com muita satisfação: primeiro para render a Deus a honra e a glória que Lhe são devidas. Segundo, para falar com São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina