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  • For I know that he will instruct his sons, and his household after him, to keep to the way of the Lord, and to act with judgment and justice, so that, for the sake of Abraham, the Lord may bring about all the things that he has spoken to him.” (Genesis 18, 19)

  • Far be it from you to do this thing, and to kill the just with the impious, and for the just to be treated like the impious. No, this is not like you. You judge all the earth; you would never make such a judgment.” (Genesis 18, 25)

  • so as to perpetrate any fraud, such as with an ox, or a donkey, or a sheep, or clothing, nor to do anything that would be able to cause damage. The case of both shall be brought before the heavens. And if they give judgment against him, he shall repay double to his neighbor. (Exodus 22, 9)

  • You shall not follow the crowd in doing evil. Neither shall you go astray in judgment, by agreeing with the majority opinion, apart from the truth. (Exodus 23, 2)

  • Likewise, you shall not show pity in judgment of the poor. (Exodus 23, 3)

  • You shall not deviate in judgment of the poor. (Exodus 23, 6)

  • Likewise, you shall make the breastplate of judgment, wrought with diverse colors according to weaving of the ephod: of gold, hyacinth and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twisted linen. (Exodus 28, 15)

  • And Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment upon his chest, when he enters into the Sanctuary, as a memorial in the presence of the Lord in eternity. (Exodus 28, 29)

  • Then you shall place in the breastplate of judgment, Doctrine and Truth, which shall then be upon Aaron’s chest, when he enters before the Lord. And he shall wear the judgment of the sons of Israel on his chest, in the sight of the Lord always. (Exodus 28, 30)

  • And if he sees that leprosy is in his skin, and that the hair has turned a white color, and that the place where the leprosy appears is lower than the rest of the skin and the flesh, then it is the mark of leprosy, and at his judgment he shall be separated. (Leviticus 13, 3)

  • then by the judgment of the priest he shall be polluted, and he shall be considered to be among the unclean. For the live flesh, if it is spotted with leprosy, is unclean. (Leviticus 13, 15)

  • Therefore, whoever will have been spotted by leprosy, and who has been separated at the judgment of the priest, (Leviticus 13, 44)

“O medo excessivo nos faz agir sem amor, mas a confiança excessiva não nos deixa considerar o perigo que vamos enfrentar”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina