Löydetty 20 Tulokset: wedding/page/1/page/2

  • And when the seventh day had arrived, they said to the wife of Samson: “Coax your husband, and persuade him to reveal to you what the proposition means. But if you are not willing to do so, we will burn you and your father’s house. Or have you called us to the wedding in order to despoil us?” (Judges 14, 15)

  • Then his wife took as a husband one of his friends and wedding companions. (Judges 14, 20)

  • Even so, I beg you to take with you beasts or even servants, and to go to Gabael in Rages, the city of the Medes, and restore to him his handwritten note, and receive from him the money, and petition him to come to my wedding celebration. (Tobit 9, 3)

  • And he revealed to him, concerning Tobias the son of Tobit, all that had been done. And he made him come with him to the wedding celebration. (Tobit 9, 7)

  • And he ordered a magnificent feast to be prepared for all the rulers, and for his servants, because of the union and wedding of Esther. And he gave a holiday to all the provinces, and he bestowed gifts befitting of princely generosity. (Esther 4, 18)

  • “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who was king, who celebrated a wedding for his son. (Matthew 22, 2)

  • And he sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding. But they were not willing to come. (Matthew 22, 3)

  • Again, he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell the invited: Behold, I have prepared my meal. My bulls and fatlings have been killed, and all is ready. Come to the wedding.’ (Matthew 22, 4)

  • Then he said to his servants: ‘The wedding, indeed, has been prepared. But those who were invited were not worthy. (Matthew 22, 8)

  • Therefore, go out to the ways, and call whomever you will find to the wedding.’ (Matthew 22, 9)

  • And his servants, departing into the ways, gathered all those whom they found, bad and good, and the wedding was filled with guests. (Matthew 22, 10)

  • Then the king entered to see the guests. And he saw a man there who was not clothed in a wedding garment. (Matthew 22, 11)

“Que Nossa Senhora nos obtenha o amor à cruz, aos sofrimentos e às dores.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina