Löydetty 99 Tulokset: hills/page/6/page/9/page/9/page/8/page/2/page/5

  • Lot went up from Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, because he was afraid to live in Zoar. He lived in a cave, he and his two daughters. (Genesis 19, 30)

  • Jacob had pitched his tent in the hill country of Gilead when Laban overtook him. Laban and his brothers also encamped on the hills of Gilead. (Genesis 31, 25)

  • The blessings of your father are greater than the blessings of the ancient mountains, the bounty of the everlasting hills! May they all rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the one who is a prince among his brothers! (Genesis 49, 26)

  • The boundary will go south from Shepham toward Riblah on the east side of Ain and on to the hills on the eastern shore of Lake Galilee. (Numbers 34, 11)

  • Totally destroy all the places where the peoples you are going to drive away had worshiped their gods. Do this in the high mountains as well as in the hills and under every green tree. (Deuteronomy 12, 2)

  • He said of Benjamin: "Beloved of Yahweh, you put your trust in him who protects you, and you dwell in his hills." (Deuteronomy 33, 12)

  • the best of the ancient mountains and the everlasting hills, the generous land and all that is in it. (Deuteronomy 33, 15)

  • There was a man from Rama-thaim, in the hills of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah. He was son of Tohu, son of Jeroham, of the clan of Zuph. (1 Samuel 1, 1)

  • Saul chose three thousand men of Israel. Two thousand were with him in Michmash and in the hills of Bethel, and a thousand with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin. Saul sent the rest of the people away, every man to his home. (1 Samuel 13, 2)

  • The officers of the king of Aram said to him, "Their gods are gods of the hills; that is why they were stronger than us. (1 Kings 20, 23)

  • A man of God approached the king of Israel and said to him, "Thus says Yahweh: Because the Arameans have said: 'Yahweh is a god of the hills but not of the valleys,' therefore I will deliver this immense crowd into your hands and you shall know that I am Yahweh." (1 Kings 20, 28)

  • He offered sacrifices in the sanctuaries on the hills, on the slopes and under every green tree. (2 Kings 16, 4)

“Todas as percepções humanas, de onde quer que venham, incluem o bem e o mal. É necessário saber determinar e assimilar todo o bem e oferecê-lo a Deus, e eliminar todo o mal.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina