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  • All these joined forces in the valley of Siddim (that is the Salt Sea). (Genesis 14, 3)

  • Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19, 26)

  • You must salt every grain offering that you offer, and you must never fail to put on your grain offering the salt of the Covenant with your God: to every offering you are to join an offering of salt to Yahweh your God. (Leviticus 2, 13)

  • All that the Israelites set aside for Yahweh from the holy things, this I give to you, and to your sons and daughters, forever. This is a covenant of salt, an everlasting covenant before Yahweh, for you and your descendants after you." (Numbers 18, 19)

  • The southern part of your country will stretch from the wilderness of Zin along the borders of Edom. It will start on the east at the southern end of the Salt Sea. (Numbers 34, 3)

  • It is bounded by the Arabah in the west, and in the east by the Jordan, from Kinnereth up to the sea in the desert, known as the Salt Sea, at the foot of Mount Pisgah. (Deuteronomy 3, 17)

  • "A land of salt and sulfur is this one, burned and unsown; not even grass can be seen. So it was with Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, when Yahweh destroyed them and laid them waste in his anger and rage." (Deuteronomy 29, 22)

  • To him belonged half of Gilead and the lowland from the east side of the Lake of Chinneroth to the Beth-jeshimot road, on the east side of the sea of the lowland, that is the Salt Sea, at the foot of the slopes of Pisgah. (Joshua 12, 3)

  • Nibshan, the City of Salt and Engedi - six towns with their villages. (Joshua 15, 62)

  • Throughout that day, Abimelech attacked the city. He took it and killed all its inhabitants. Then he destroyed the city and sprinkled salt over it. (Judges 9, 45)

  • David became famous when he returned from defeating an army of eighteen thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt. (2 Samuel 8, 13)

  • He said to them, "Bring me a new pot with salt in it." When they brought it to him, (2 Kings 2, 20)

“O Senhor se comunica conosco à medida que nos libertamos do nosso apego aos sentidos, que sacrificamos nossa vontade própria e que edificamos nossa vida na humildade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina