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  • The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth-Ham being the father of Canaan. (Genesis 9, 18)

  • Ham, father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. (Genesis 9, 22)

  • and said: Accursed be Canaan, he shall be his brothers' meanest slave. (Genesis 9, 25)

  • He added: Blessed be Yahweh, God of Shem, let Canaan be his slave! (Genesis 9, 26)

  • May God make space for Japheth, may he live in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his slave! (Genesis 9, 27)

  • Ham's sons: Cush, Mizraim, Put, Canaan. (Genesis 10, 6)

  • Canaan fathered Sidon, his first-born, then Heth, (Genesis 10, 15)

  • Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law the wife of Abram, and made them leave Ur of the Chaldaeans to go to the land of Canaan. But on arrival in Haran they settled there. (Genesis 11, 31)

  • Abram took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had amassed and the people they had acquired in Haran. They set off for the land of Canaan, and arrived there. (Genesis 12, 5)

  • There was a famine in the country, and Abram went down to Egypt to stay there for a time, since the famine in the country was severe. (Genesis 12, 10)

  • Abram settled in the land of Canaan; Lot settled among the cities of the plain, pitching his tents on the outskirts of Sodom. (Genesis 13, 12)

  • Thus, after Abram had lived in the land of Canaan for ten years, Sarai took Hagar her Egyptian slave-girl and gave her to Abram as his wife. (Genesis 16, 3)

“O Senhor sempre orienta e chama; mas não se quer segui-lo e responder-lhe, pois só se vê os próprios interesses. Às vezes, pelo fato de se ouvir sempre a Sua voz, ninguém mais se apercebe dela; mas o Senhor ilumina e chama. São os homens que se colocam na posição de não conseguir mais escutar.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina