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  • he said, "Please, gentlemen, come aside into your servant's house for the night, and bathe your feet; you can get up early to continue your journey." But they replied, "No, we shall pass the night in the town square." (Genesis 19, 2)

  • Jacob then made this vow: "If God remains with me, to protect me on this journey I am making and to give me enough bread to eat and clothing to wear, (Genesis 28, 20)

  • After Jacob resumed his journey, he came to the land of the Easterners. (Genesis 29, 1)

  • Then he put a three days' journey between himself and Jacob, while Jacob continued to pasture the rest of Laban's flock. (Genesis 30, 36)

  • Early the next morning, Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters goodbye; then he set out on his journey back home, (Genesis 32, 1)

  • Then the man said, "You shall no longer be spoken of as Jacob, but as Israel, because you have contended with divine and human beings and have prevailed." (Genesis 32, 29)

  • So on the same day that Esau began his journey back to Seir, (Genesis 33, 16)

  • He set up a memorial stone there and invoked "El, the God of Israel." (Genesis 33, 20)

  • just as Jacob's sons were coming in from the fields. When they heard the news, the men were shocked and seethed with indignation. What Shechem had done was an outrage in Israel; such a thing could not be tolerated. (Genesis 34, 7)

  • God said to him: "You whose name is Jacob shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name." Thus he was named Israel. (Genesis 35, 10)

  • Israel moved on and pitched his tent beyond Migdal-eder. (Genesis 35, 21)

  • While Israel was encamped in that region, Reuben went and lay with Bilhah, his father's concubine. When Israel heard of it, he was greatly offended. The sons of Jacob were now twelve. (Genesis 35, 22)

“O amor é a rainha das virtudes. Como as pérolas se ligam por um fio, assim as virtudes, pelo amor. Fogem as pérolas quando se rompe o fio. Assim também as virtudes se desfazem afastando-se o amor”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina