1. Therefore, holy brothers, called to a supernatural vocation, consider Jesus, the apostle and High Priest of our faith.

2. He is faithful to God who appointed him, just as Moses was a faithful steward over God's household

3. but Jesus deserves much greater honor than Moses, since he who builds the house is greater than the house.

4. As every house has a builder, God is the builder of all.

5. It is said that Moses was found faithful as a servant of God over all his household, and as witness of a former revelation from God.

6. Christ came as the Son, to whom the house belongs; and we are his household, provided that we stand firm in hope and courage.

7. Listen to what the Holy Spirit says: If only you would hear God's voice today!

8. Do not be stubborn, as they were in the place called Rebellion,

9. when your ancestors challenged me in the desert, although they had seen my deeds

10. for forty years. That is why I was angry with those people and said: Their hearts are always going astray and they do not understand my ways.

11. I was angry and made a solemn vow: They will never enter my rest.

12. So, brothers, be careful lest some of you come to have an evil and unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.

13. Encourage one another, day by day, as long as it is called today. Let no one become hardened in the deceitful way of sin.

14. We are associated with Christ provided we hold steadfastly to our initial hope until the end.

15. Scripture says: If you hear God's voice, do not be stubborn as they were in the place called Rebellion.

16. Who are those who having heard still rebelled? They were all those who came out of Egypt with Moses.

17. With whom was God angry for forty years? With those who sinned and whose bodies fell in the desert.

18. To whom did God swear that they would not enter into his rest? To those who had disobeyed.

19. We see then that unbelief prevented them from reaching their rest.

“É sempre necessário ir para a frente, nunca para trás, na vida espiritual. O barco que pára em vez de ir adiante é empurrado para trás pelo vento.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina