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  • And again he said, “I will multiply your offspring continuously, and they will not be numbered because of their multitude.” (Genesis 16, 10)

  • You did say that you would do well by me, and that you would expand my offspring like the sand of the sea, which, because of its multitude, cannot be numbered.” (Genesis 32, 12)

  • For they were very wealthy and were not able to live together. Neither was the land of their sojourn able to sustain them, because of the multitude of their flocks. (Genesis 36, 7)

  • the Angel, who rescues me from all evils: bless these boys. And let my name be invoked over them, and also the names of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac. And may they increase into a multitude across the earth.” (Genesis 48, 16)

  • And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month. And the entire multitude of the sons of Israel shall immolate it toward evening. (Exodus 12, 6)

  • And in the multitude of your glory you have put down your adversaries. You sent out your wrath, which devoured them like stubble. (Exodus 15, 7)

  • And they set out from Elim. And the entire multitude of the sons of Israel arrived at the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month, after they departed from the land of Egypt. (Exodus 16, 1)

  • And the sons of Israel said to them: “If only we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat around bowls of meat and ate bread until filled. Why have you led us away, into this desert, so that you might kill the entire multitude with famine?” (Exodus 16, 3)

  • But on the sixth day, they collected a double portion, that is, two omers for each man. Then all the leaders among the multitude came, and they discoursed with Moses. (Exodus 16, 22)

  • And so, the entire multitude of the sons of Israel, having set out from the desert of Sin in stages, according to the word of the Lord, made camp at Rephidim, where there was no water for the people to drink. (Exodus 17, 1)

  • he said to him: “Descend, and call the people to witness, lest they might be willing to transgress the limits, so as to see the Lord, and a very great multitude of them might perish. (Exodus 19, 21)

  • Therefore, when all the multitude of the sons of Israel had gathered together, he said to them: “These are the things that the Lord has ordered to be done: (Exodus 35, 1)

“Combata vigorosamente, se está interessado em obter o prêmio destinado às almas fortes.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina