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  • I have filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding, skill, and ability for every kind of craft: (Exodus 31, 3)

  • He has filled him with the spirit of God and given him understanding, skill, and ability for every kind of craft: (Exodus 35, 31)

  • Bezalel and Oholiab and all the skilled craftsmen to whom Yahweh had given skill and understanding to carry out all that was required for the building of the sanctuary, did their work exactly as Yahweh had directed. (Exodus 36, 1)

  • he will surely give the decision which will bring us peace. For my lord the king is like an angel of God in understanding everything. Yahweh your God be with you!" (2 Samuel 14, 17)

  • Give me, therefore, an understanding mind in governing your people that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to govern this multitude of people of yours?" (1 Kings 3, 9)

  • And he told him, "Because you have requested this rather than long life or wealth or even vengeance on your enemies; indeed, because you have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, (1 Kings 3, 11)

  • God gave Solomon great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sand on the shore, (1 Kings 4, 29)

  • Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, who has made the heavens and the earth, and given King David a wise son, full of understanding and skill, who is going to build a house for Yahweh and a palace for himself and his court. (2 Chronicles 2, 11)

  • So I called for the leaders - Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Jarib, Elnathan, Zechariah and Meshullam - Joarib and Elnathan, men of understanding. (Ezra 8, 16)

  • wisdom is found in the old, and understanding in great age; (Job 12, 12)

  • in God however is wisdom and power; his are counsel and understanding. (Job 12, 13)

  • But where does wisdom come from? Where does understanding dwell? (Job 28, 12)

“A meditação não é um meio para chegar a Deus, mas um fim. A finalidade da meditação é o amor a Deus e ao próximo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina