Trouvé 14 Résultats pour: concubines

  • To the sons of his concubines Abraham made grants during his lifetime, sending them away from his son Isaac eastward, to the Land of the East. (Genesis 25, 6)

  • After coming from Hebron, David took other concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and sons and daughters were born to him. (2 Samuel 5, 13)

  • The king set out on foot with his whole household, leaving ten concubines to look after the palace. (2 Samuel 15, 16)

  • Ahithophel replied to Absalom, 'Go to your father's concubines whom he left to look after the palace; then all Israel will hear that you have thoroughly antagonised your father, and the resolution of all your supporters will be strengthened.' (2 Samuel 16, 21)

  • So a tent was pitched for Absalom on the flat roof and, with all Israel watching, Absalom went to his father's concubines. (2 Samuel 16, 22)

  • Joab went inside to the king and said, 'Today you have made all your servants feel ashamed-today, when they have saved your life, the lives of your sons and daughters, the lives of your wives and the lives of your concubines!-because you love those who hate you and hate those who love you. (2 Samuel 19, 6)

  • David returned to his palace in Jerusalem. The king took the ten concubines, whom he had left to look after the palace, and put them under guard. He provided for their upkeep but never went near them again; they were shut away until the day they died, widows, as it were, of a living man. (2 Samuel 20, 3)

  • He had seven hundred wives of royal rank and three hundred concubines. (1 Kings 11, 3)

  • All these were sons of David, not counting the sons of the concubines. Tamar was their sister. (1 Chronicles 3, 9)

  • Rehoboam loved Maacah daughter of Absalom, more than all his other wives and concubines. He had in fact a total of eighteen wives and sixty concubines and fathered twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters. (2 Chronicles 11, 21)

  • She went there in the evening, and the following morning returned to another harem entrusted to the care of Shaashgaz, the king's officer, custodian of the concubines. She did not go to the king any more, unless he was particularly pleased with her and had her summoned by name. (Esther 2, 14)

  • There are sixty queens and eighty concubines (and countless girls). (Song of Solomon 6, 8)

“Não se fixe voluntariamente naquilo que o inimigo da alma lhe apresenta.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina