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  • The woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. (Genesis 3, 6)

  • To the woman he said: "I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master." (Genesis 3, 16)

  • Thus, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, his wife Sarai took her maid, Hagar the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his concubine. (Genesis 16, 3)

  • So Sarah laughed to herself and said, "Now that I am so withered and my husband is so old, am I still to have sexual pleasure?" (Genesis 18, 12)

  • But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are about to die because of the woman you have taken, for she has a husband." (Genesis 20, 3)

  • Leah conceived and bore a son, and she named him Reuben; for she said, "It means, 'The LORD saw my misery; now my husband will love me.'" (Genesis 29, 32)

  • Again she conceived and bore a son, and she said, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, since I have now borne him three sons"; that is why she named him Levi. (Genesis 29, 34)

  • Leah replied, "Was it not enough for you to take away my husband, that you must now take my son's mandrakes too?" "Very well, then!" Rachel answered. "In exchange for your son's mandrakes, Jacob may lie with you tonight." (Genesis 30, 15)

  • Leah then said, "God has given me my reward for having let my husband have my maidservant"; so she named him Issachar. (Genesis 30, 18)

  • and she said, "God has brought me a precious gift. This time my husband will offer me presents, now that I have borne him six sons"; so she named him Zebulun. (Genesis 30, 20)

  • she screamed for her household servants and told them, "Look! my husband has brought in a Hebrew slave to make sport of us! He came in here to lie with me, but I cried out as loud as I could. (Genesis 39, 14)

  • They should husband all the food of the coming good years, collecting the grain under Pharaoh's authority, to be stored in the towns for food. (Genesis 41, 35)

“Reflita no que escreve, pois o Senhor vai lhe pedir contas disso.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina