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  • If, therefore, you have in mind to show true loyalty to my master, let me know; but if not, let me know that, too. I can then proceed accordingly." (Genesis 24, 49)

  • On the sixth day they gathered twice as much food, two omers for each person. When all the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses, (Exodus 16, 22)

  • You shall have a true scale and true weights, an honest ephah and an honest hin. I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. (Leviticus 18, 36)

  • Then the LORD said to Moses, "Assemble for me seventy of the elders of Israel, men you know for true elders and authorities among the people, and bring them to the meeting tent. When they are in place beside you, (Numbers 11, 16)

  • So Moses dispatched them from the desert of Paran, as the LORD had ordered. All of them were leaders among the Israelites; (Numbers 13, 3)

  • two hundred and fifty Israelites who were leaders in the community, members of the council and men of note. They stood before Moses, (Numbers 16, 2)

  • and he gave voice to his oracle: The utterance of Balaam, son of Beor, the utterance of the man whose eye is true, (Numbers 24, 3)

  • Then Balaam gave voice to his oracle: The utterance of Balaam, son of Beor, the utterance of the man whose eye is true, (Numbers 24, 15)

  • and he said to Moses, "Gather all the leaders of the people, and hold a public execution of the guilty ones before the LORD, that his blazing wrath may be turned away from Israel." (Numbers 25, 4)

  • Choose wise, intelligent and experienced men from each of your tribes, that I may appoint them as your leaders.' (Deuteronomy 1, 13)

  • So I took outstanding men of your tribes, wise and experienced, and made them your leaders as officials over thousands, over hundreds, over fifties and over tens, and other tribal officers. (Deuteronomy 1, 15)

  • I charged your judges at that time, 'Listen to complaints among your kinsmen, and administer true justice to both parties even if one of them is an alien. (Deuteronomy 1, 16)

“Lembre-se de que você tem no Céu não somente um pai, mas também uma Mãe”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina