pronađen 31 Rezultati za: Hananiah/page/1

  • From Pedaiah, there rose up Zerubbabel and Shimei. Zerubbabel conceived Meshullam, Hananiah, and their sister Shelomith, (1 Chronicles 3, 19)

  • Now the son of Hananiah was Pelatiah, the father of Jeshaiah, whose son was Rephaiah. And his son was Arnan, from whom was born Obadiah, whose son was Shecaniah. (1 Chronicles 3, 21)

  • and Hananiah, and Elam, and Anthothijah, (1 Chronicles 8, 24)

  • Also, of Heman, the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamtiezer, and Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, Mahazioth. (1 Chronicles 25, 4)

  • The sixteenth went to Hananiah, to his sons and brothers, twelve. (1 Chronicles 25, 23)

  • Now the army of his warriors, who would go forth to battle, was under the hand of Jeiel, the scribe, and Maaseiah, the teacher, and under the hand of Hananiah, who was among the king’s commanders. (2 Chronicles 26, 11)

  • And from the sons of Bebai, Jehohanan, Hananiah, Zabbai, Athlai. (Ezra 10, 28)

  • And beside him, Uzziel, the son of Harhaiah the goldsmith, built. And beside him, Hananiah, the son of the perfumer, built. And they left aside Jerusalem as far as the wall of the broad street. (Nehemiah 3, 8)

  • After him, Hananiah, the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, built another measure. After him, Meshullam, the son of Berechiah, built, opposite his own storehouse. After him, Malchijah, the son of the goldsmith, built, even up to the house of the temple servants and of the sellers of small items, opposite the judgment gate, and even to the upper room of the corner. (Nehemiah 3, 30)

  • I instructed Hanani, my brother, and Hananiah, the leader of the house of Jerusalem, (for he seemed to be a truthful man, fearing God more than the others,) (Nehemiah 7, 2)

  • Hoshea, Hananiah, Hasshub, (Nehemiah 10, 23)

  • And in the days of Joiakim, the priests and the leaders of the families were: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of Jeremiah, Hananiah; (Nehemiah 12, 12)

“O Senhor sempre orienta e chama; mas não se quer segui-lo e responder-lhe, pois só se vê os próprios interesses. Às vezes, pelo fato de se ouvir sempre a Sua voz, ninguém mais se apercebe dela; mas o Senhor ilumina e chama. São os homens que se colocam na posição de não conseguir mais escutar.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina