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  • Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." (Genesis 11, 4)

  • And if you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stones; for if you wield your tool upon it you profane it. (Exodus 20, 25)

  • And Balaam said to Balak, "Build for me here seven altars, and provide for me here seven bulls and seven rams." (Numbers 23, 1)

  • And Balaam said to Balak, "Build for me here seven altars, and provide for me here seven bulls and seven rams." (Numbers 23, 29)

  • Then they came near to him, and said, "We will build sheepfolds here for our flocks, and cities for our little ones, (Numbers 32, 16)

  • Build cities for your little ones, and folds for your sheep; and do what you have promised." (Numbers 32, 24)

  • "And when the LORD your God brings you into the land which he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you, with great and goodly cities, which you did not build, (Deuteronomy 6, 10)

  • Only the trees which you know are not trees for food you may destroy and cut down that you may build siegeworks against the city that makes war with you, until it falls. (Deuteronomy 20, 20)

  • "When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring the guilt of blood upon your house, if any one fall from it. (Deuteronomy 22, 8)

  • then his brother's wife shall go up to him in the presence of the elders, and pull his sandal off his foot, and spit in his face; and she shall answer and say, `So shall it be done to the man who does not build up his brother's house.' (Deuteronomy 25, 9)

  • And there you shall build an altar to the LORD your God, an altar of stones; you shall lift up no iron tool upon them. (Deuteronomy 27, 5)

  • You shall build an altar to the LORD your God of unhewn stones; and you shall offer burnt offerings on it to the LORD your God; (Deuteronomy 27, 6)

“De que vale perder-se em vãos temores?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina