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  • The men set out from there and looked down toward Sodom; Abraham was walking with them, to see them on their way. (Genesis 18, 16)

  • Besides, she is in truth my sister, but only my father's daughter, not my mother's; and so she became my wife. (Genesis 20, 12)

  • and asked the servant, "Who is the man out there, walking through the fields toward us?" "That is my master," replied the servant. Then she covered herself with her veil. (Genesis 24, 65)

  • The truth is that I was kidnaped from the land of the Hebrews, and here I have not done anything for which I should have been put into a dungeon." (Genesis 40, 15)

  • So send one of your number to get your brother, while the rest of you stay here under arrest. Thus shall your words be tested for their truth; if they are untrue, as Pharaoh lives, you are spies!" (Genesis 42, 16)

  • "Therefore, keep the commandments of the LORD, your God, by walking in his ways and fearing him. (Deuteronomy 8, 6)

  • in the event that you carefully observe all these commandments which I enjoin on you today, loving the LORD, your God, and ever walking in his ways: then add three cities to these three. (Deuteronomy 19, 9)

  • "If, while walking along, you chance upon a bird's nest with young birds or eggs in it, in any tree or on the ground, and the mother bird is sitting on them, you shall not take away the mother bird along with her brood; (Deuteronomy 22, 6)

  • If you obey the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I enjoin on you today, loving him, and walking in his ways, and keeping his commandments, statutes and decrees, you will live and grow numerous, and the LORD, your God, will bless you in the land you are entering to occupy. (Deuteronomy 30, 16)

  • with Ahio walking before it, (2 Samuel 6, 4)

  • And now, Lord GOD, you are God and your words are truth; you have made this generous promise to your servant. (2 Samuel 7, 28)

  • As David went up the Mount of Olives, he wept without ceasing. His head was covered, and he was walking barefoot. All those who were with him also had their heads covered and were weeping as they went. (2 Samuel 15, 30)

“De todos os que vierem pedir meu auxílio, nunca perderei nenhum!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina