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  • "Make two trumpets of hammered silver that you shall use for calling the people together, and for sounding the order to move on. (Numbers 10, 2)

  • Whenever both trumpets are sounded, the whole community is to gather around you, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. (Numbers 10, 3)

  • The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to sound the trumpets; this is a law for you and your descendants for all time to come. (Numbers 10, 8)

  • In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall gather for worship and do no work of a worker. It shall be a day on which you sound the trumpets. (Numbers 29, 1)

  • Moses put them in the field, one thousand from each tribe, with Phinehas, son of Eleazar the priest, to go with them carrying the sacred vessels and the trumpets for sounding the alarm. (Numbers 31, 6)

  • Seven priests shall go before the Ark bearing the seven trumpets used in the time of the Jubilee. On the seventh day, they shall march around the city seven times, (Joshua 6, 4)

  • Joshua, son of Nun, called the priests and said to them: "You shall carry the Ark of the Covenant; seven priests shall go ahead with the trumpets they use for the Jubilee." (Joshua 6, 6)

  • When Joshua finished speaking, the priests began to blow the seven trumpets they used to blow on the Feast of the Jubilee, and they went before the Ark of Yahweh. (Joshua 6, 8)

  • The trumpets blew continually. Joshua had given this order: "Do not shout or utter anything, nor let even a single word be heard, until the day comes when I say: Shout and cry out!" (Joshua 6, 10)

  • and the priests took the Ark and those who blew the seven trumpets again went before the Ark. The vanguard went before them and the rest followed the Ark while the trumpets blew. (Joshua 6, 13)

  • At the seventh time, as the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua ordered the people: "Shout your battle cry for Yahweh has given you the city! (Joshua 6, 16)

  • The people shouted and the trumpets blew. At this precise moment, the walls of the city fell. Then everyone went straight into the city to the place before him. (Joshua 6, 20)

“Que Nossa Senhora aumente a graça em você e a faça digna do Paraíso”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina