Talált 38 Eredmények: grave/page/4/page/3/page/2

  • Then Yahweh said, 'The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin is so grave, (Genesis 18, 20)

  • Jacob raised a monument on her grave, that same monument of Rachel's Tomb which is there today. (Genesis 35, 20)

  • 'Anyone in the open country who touches a murder victim, a corpse, human bones or a grave will be unclean for seven days. (Numbers 19, 16)

  • Someone who is ritually clean will then take some hyssop and dip it in the water. This person will then sprinkle the tent, all the vessels and people who were there, and similarly anyone who has touched human bones, a murder victim, a corpse or a grave. (Numbers 19, 18)

  • he buried him in the valley, in the country of Moab, opposite Beth-Peor; but to this day no one has ever found his grave. (Deuteronomy 34, 6)

  • They buried Abner at Hebron, and the king wept aloud on his grave, and the people all wept too. (2 Samuel 3, 32)

  • David then gave an order to the men, who put them to death, cut off their hands and feet, and hung them up beside the pool of Hebron. Ishbaal's head they took and buried in Abner's grave at Hebron. (2 Samuel 4, 12)

  • Please allow your servant to go home again, so that I can die in my own town near the grave of my father and mother. But here is your servant Chimham; let him go with my lord the king; treat him as you think right.' (2 Samuel 19, 38)

  • But afterwards David's heart misgave him for having taken a census of the people. David then said to Yahweh, 'I have committed a grave sin by doing this. But now, Yahweh, I beg you to forgive your servant for this fault, for I have acted very foolishly.' (2 Samuel 24, 10)

  • So look, when I gather you to your ancestors, you will be gathered into your grave in peace; you will not live to see the great disaster that I am going to bring on this place." ' They took this answer to the king. (2 Kings 22, 20)

  • David then said to God, 'I have committed a grave sin by doing this. But now I beg you to forgive your servant for this fault, for I have acted very foolishly.' (1 Chronicles 21, 8)

  • "Look, when I gather you to your ancestors, you will be gathered into your grave in peace; you will not live to see the great disaster that I am going to bring on this place and on the people who live in it." ' They took this answer to the king. (2 Chronicles 34, 28)

“Jesus está com você, e o Cireneu não deixa de ajudar-te a subir o Calvário.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina