Talált 50 Eredmények: olive oil/page/4/page/2/page/5/page/3

  • In the evening, the dove came back to him and there in its beak was a freshly-picked olive leaf! So Noah realised that the waters were receding from the earth. (Genesis 8, 11)

  • but in the seventh year you will let it lie fallow and forgo all produce from it, so that those of your people who are poor can take food from it and the wild animals eat what they have left. You will do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove. (Exodus 23, 11)

  • 'You will order the Israelites to bring you pure pounded olive oil for the light, and to keep a lamp burning all the time. (Exodus 27, 20)

  • and with the first lamb, one-tenth of a measure of fine flour mixed with one-quarter of a hin of pounded olive oil and, for a libation, one-quarter of a hin of wine. (Exodus 29, 40)

  • five hundred shekels (reckoning by the sanctuary shekel) of cassia, and one hin of olive oil. (Exodus 30, 24)

  • 'Order the Israelites to bring you crushed-olive oil for the lamp-stand, and keep a flame burning there continually. (Leviticus 24, 2)

  • with a cereal offering of one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with one-quarter of a hin of crushed-olive oil. (Numbers 28, 5)

  • with houses full of good things you have not provided, with wells you have not dug, with vineyards and olive trees you have not planted, and then, when you have eaten as much as you want, (Deuteronomy 6, 11)

  • 'When you beat your olive tree, you must not go over the branches twice. The foreigner, the orphan and the widow shall have the rest. (Deuteronomy 24, 20)

  • You will grow olive trees throughout your territory but not anoint yourself with the oil, since your olive trees will be cut down. (Deuteronomy 28, 40)

  • And now I have given you a country for which you have not toiled, towns you have not built, although you live in them, vineyards and olive groves you have not planted, although you eat their fruit." (Joshua 24, 13)

  • One day the trees went out to anoint a king to rule them. They said to the olive tree, 'Be our king!' (Judges 9, 8)

“Reze, reze! Quem muito reza se salva e salva os outros. E qual oração pode ser mais bela e mais aceita a Nossa Senhora do que o Rosario?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina