Talált 129 Eredmények: ruin/page/1/page/7/page/6/page/4/page/7/page/3/page/2

  • At which, Pharaoh's officials said to him, 'How much longer are we to be tricked by this fellow? Let the people go and worship Yahweh their God. Do you not finally realise that Egypt is on the brink of ruin?' (Exodus 10, 7)

  • You will accept no bribes, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and is the ruin of the cause of the upright. (Exodus 23, 8)

  • If you turn away from him, he will prolong the time spent in the desert, and you will bring about this entire people's ruin.' (Numbers 32, 15)

  • You must pile up all its loot in the public square and burn the town and all its loot, offering it all to Yahweh your God. It is to be a ruin for all time, and never rebuilt. (Deuteronomy 13, 17)

  • Yahweh will strike you down with consumption, fever, inflammation, burning fever, drought, wind-blast, mildew, and these will pursue you to your ruin. (Deuteronomy 28, 22)

  • Vengeance is mine, I will pay them back, for the time when they make a false step. For the day of their ruin is close, doom is rushing towards them, for he will see to it that their power fails. that neither serf nor free man remains. (Deuteronomy 32, 35)

  • Joshua then burned Ai, making it a ruin for evermore, a desolate place even today. (Joshua 8, 28)

  • David then said to Saul, 'Why do you listen to people who say, "David intends your ruin"? (1 Samuel 24, 10)

  • So now make up your mind what you should do, for the ruin of our master and his whole family is a certainty, and he is such a brute that no one can say a word to him.' (1 Samuel 25, 17)

  • Such conduct made the House of Jeroboam a sinful House, and caused its ruin and extinction from the face of the earth. (1 Kings 13, 34)

  • The king of Israel summoned all the elders of the country and said, 'You can see clearly how this man intends to ruin us. He has already demanded my wives and my children, although I have not refused him my silver and gold.' (1 Kings 20, 7)

  • You will storm every fortified town, fell every productive tree, block every water-hole, ruin all the best fields with stones.' (2 Kings 3, 19)

A firmeza de todo o edifício depende da fundação e do teto! São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina