Talált 70 Eredmények: support/page/5/page/4/page/2/page/4/page/4

  • For they had acquired too much to live together. The land in which they were at that time could not support them both because of their livestock. (Genesis 36, 7)

  • 'You will not spread false rumours. You will not lend support to the wicked by giving untrue evidence. (Exodus 23, 1)

  • "If your brother becomes impoverished and cannot support himself in the community, you will assist him as you would a stranger or guest, so that he can go on living with you. (Leviticus 25, 35)

  • You have seen him in the desert too: Yahweh your God continued to support you, as a man supports his son, all along the road you followed until you arrived here." (Deuteronomy 1, 31)

  • Abner sent messengers on his own behalf to say to David, '. . . and furthermore, come to an agreement with me and I will give you my support to win all Israel over to you.' (2 Samuel 3, 12)

  • They assailed me on my day of disaster, but Yahweh was there to support me, (2 Samuel 22, 19)

  • When the news reached Joab -- for Joab had lent his support to Adonijah, though he had not supported Absalom -- he fled to the Tent of Yahweh and clung to the horns of the altar. (1 Kings 2, 28)

  • On the crosspieces of the undercarriage were lions and bulls and winged creatures, and on top of the undercarriage was a support; under the lions and oxen there were scrolls in the style of. . . (1 Kings 7, 29)

  • At the top of the stand there was a support, circular in shape and half a cubit high; and on top of the stand there were lugs. The crosspieces were of a piece with the stand. (1 Kings 7, 35)

  • Pul king of Assyria invaded the country. Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver in return for his support in strengthening his hold on the royal power. (2 Kings 15, 19)

  • These added strength to the kingdom of Judah and gave their support to Rehoboam son of Solomon for three years. For three years they remained loyal to David and Solomon. (2 Chronicles 11, 17)

  • for Yahweh's eyes rove to and fro across the whole world to support those whose hearts are loyal to him. You have acted like a fool in this respect; hence, from now on you will have wars.' (2 Chronicles 16, 9)

“O mal não se vence com o mal, mas com o bem, que tem em si uma força sobrenatural.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina