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  • Abraham then interceded with God, and God restored health to Abimelech, that is, to his wife and his maidservants, so that they could bear children; (Genesis 20, 17)

  • After inquiring how they were, he asked them, "And how is your aged father, of whom you spoke? Is he still in good health?" (Genesis 43, 27)

  • "Your servant our father is thriving and still in good health," they said, as they bowed respectfully. (Genesis 43, 28)

  • "I am Joseph," he said to his brothers. "Is my father still in good health?" But his brothers could give him no answer, so dumbfounded were they at him. (Genesis 45, 3)

  • I will even add a bonus to your wages!" Raphael replied: "I will go with him; have no fear. In good health we shall leave you, and in good health we shall return to you, for the way is safe." (Tobit 5, 16)

  • Tobit reassured her: "Have no such thought. Our son will leave in good health and come back to us in good health. Your own eyes will see the day when he returns to you safe and sound. (Tobit 5, 21)

  • When they entered Ecbatana, Tobiah said, "Brother Azariah, lead me straight to our kinsman Raguel." So he brought him to the house of Raguel, whom they found seated by his courtyard gate. They greeted him first. He said to them, "Greetings to you too, brothers! Good health to you, and welcome!" When he brought them into his home, (Tobit 7, 1)

  • Take, to begin with, half of whatever I own when you go back in good health to your father; the other half will be yours when I and my wife die. Be of good cheer, my son! I am your father, and Edna is your mother; and we belong to you and to your beloved now and forever. So be happy, son!" (Tobit 8, 21)

  • "To my esteemed Jewish citizens, Antiochus, their king and general, sends hearty greetings and best wishes for their health and happiness. (2 Maccabees 9, 19)

  • Actually, I do not despair about my health, since I have great hopes of recovering from my illness. (2 Maccabees 9, 22)

  • If you are well, it is what we desire. We too are in good health. (2 Maccabees 11, 28)

  • This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones. (Proverbs 3, 8)

“Se precisamos ter paciência para suportar os defeitos dos outros, quanto mais ainda precisamos para tolerar nossos próprios defeitos!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina