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  • but towards Cain and his offering he showed no pleasure. This made Cain very angry and downcast. (Genesis 4, 5)

  • Sarah laughed to herself saying, "Now that I am old and worn and my husband is an old man, am I to have this pleasure?" (Genesis 18, 12)

  • Let me not share their counsel! Let my heart keep far from their company, for in anger they killed men, and hamstrung oxen at their pleasure. (Genesis 49, 6)

  • Now, Lord, I take my sister to myself in sincerity and love, not merely seeking pleasure. Have mercy on us and grant us a long life together." (Tobit 8, 7)

  • Your handmaid has never eaten at Haman's table, nor has taken pleasure in royal banquets, nor drunk the wine offered to their gods. (Esther 14, 17)

  • Neither has your handmaid found pleasure from the day of her promotion till now except in you, Lord God of Abraham. (Esther 14, 18)

  • You take no pleasure in sacrifice; were I to give a burnt offering, you would not delight in it. (Psalms 51, 18)

  • Indeed they plan to topple me. They take pleasure in telling lies; with their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse. (Psalms 62, 5)

  • May my song give him pleasure, as the Lord gives me delight. (Psalms 104, 34)

  • Guide me in obeying your instructions, for my pleasure lies in them. (Psalms 119, 35)

  • If your law had not been my pleasure, I would have perished in affliction. (Psalms 119, 92)

  • It has been a pleasure for the people to receive them with honor and deposit a copy of their statement in the public archives as a remembrance for the people of Sparta.' And they made a copy of all this for the High Priest Simon." (1 Maccabees 14, 23)

“Seria mais fácil a Terra existir sem o sol do que sem a santa Missa!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina