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  • Again Yahweh said to him, "Put your hand on your chest." He put his hand on his chest and when he took it away his hand was covered with leprosy, white as snow. (Exodus 4, 6)

  • The cloud moved away from above the Tent and Miriam was there white as snow with leprosy. Aaron turned towards Miriam and he saw that she was leprous. (Numbers 12, 10)

  • But you and all your decendants shall be infected with the leprosy of Naaman forever." And Gehazi left his presence with leprosy, as white as snow. (2 Kings 5, 27)

  • They were but melted ice running from under the snow. (Job 6, 16)

  • If I washed my body with snow and cleansed my hands with soap, (Job 9, 30)

  • As drought and heat snap up the thawed snow, so Sheol swallows up the sinner, (Job 24, 19)

  • He says to the snow, "Fall on the earth"; and to the rainshower, "Be a strong downpour." (Job 37, 6)

  • Have you entered the storehouse of the snow or seen the storehouse of the hail, (Job 38, 22)

  • Cleanse me with hyssop and I shall be clean, wash me, I shall be whiter than snow. (Psalms 51, 9)

  • When the Lord routed the kings, snow fell on the Dark Mountain. (Psalms 68, 15)

  • He spreads snow like wool; he scatters frost like ashes. (Psalms 147, 16)

  • But he sends his word and melts the snow; he makes his breeze blow, and again the waters flow. (Psalms 147, 18)

A humildade e a caridade são as “cordas mestras”. Todas as outras virtudes dependem delas. Uma é a mais baixa; a outra é a mais alta. ( P.e Pio ) São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina