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  • The blessings of thy father are strengthened with the blessings of his fathers: until the desire of the everlasting hills should come; may they be upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the Nazarite among his brethren. (Genesis 49, 26)

  • I shall see him from the tops of the rocks, and shall consider him from the hills. This people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations. (Numbers 23, 9)

  • Turn you, and come to the mountain of the Amorrhites, and to the other places that are next to it, the plains and the hills and the vales towards the south, and by the sea shore, the land of the Chanaanites, and of Libanus, as far as the great river Euphrates. (Deuteronomy 1, 7)

  • For the Lord thy God will bring thee into a good land, of brooks and of waters, and of fountains: in the plains of which and the hills deep rivers break out: (Deuteronomy 8, 7)

  • Where without any want thou shalt eat thy bread, and enjoy abundance of all things: where the stones are iron, and out of its hills are dug mines of brass: (Deuteronomy 8, 9)

  • But it is a land of hills and plains, expecting rain from heaven. (Deuteronomy 11, 11)

  • Destroy all the places in which the nations, that you shall possess, worshipped their gods upon high mountains, and hills, and under every shady tree: (Deuteronomy 12, 2)

  • Of the tops of the ancient mountains, of the fruits of the everlasting hills: (Deuteronomy 33, 15)

  • So Josue conquered all the country of the hills and of the south and of the plain, and of Asedoth, with their kings: he left not any remains therein, but slew all that breathed, as the Lord the God of Israel had commanded him, (Joshua 10, 40)

  • Except the cities that were on hills and high places, the rest Israel burned: only Asor that was very strong he consumed with fire. (Joshua 11, 13)

  • So Josue took all the country of the hills, and of the south, and the land of Gosen, and the plains and the west country, and the mountain of Israel, and the plains thereof: (Joshua 11, 16)

  • And it passeth along to the hills that are over against the ascent of Adommim: and it goeth down to Abenboen, that is, the stone of Been the son of Ruben: and it passeth on the north side to the champaign countries; and goeth down into the plain, (Joshua 18, 18)

“O demônio é forte com quem o teme, mas é fraco com quem o despreza.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina