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  • So that no one spoke to his neighbor, but hanging down the head, leaving all things behind, they made haste to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they heard, were coming armed upon them, and fled by the ways of the fields, and the paths of the hills. (Judith 15, 2)

  • According to thy power beware of thy neighbor, and treat with the wise and prudent. (Ecclesiasticus 9, 21)

  • They are become as amorous horses and stallions, every one neighed after his neighbor's wife. (Jeremiah 5, 8)

  • Therefore thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will bring destruction upon this people, by which fathers and sons together shall fall, neighbor and kinsman shall perish. (Jeremiah 6, 21)

  • For if you will order well your ways, and your doings: if you will execute judgement between a man and his neighbor, (Jeremiah 7, 5)

  • Let every man take heed of his neighbor, and let his not trust in any brother of his: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every friend will walk deceitfully. (Jeremiah 9, 4)

  • Hear therefore, ye women, the word of the Lord: and let your ears receive the word of his mouth: and teach your daughters wailing: and every one her neighbor mourning. (Jeremiah 9, 20)

  • And many nations shall pass by this city: and they shall say every man to his neighbor: Why hath the Lord done so to this great city? (Jeremiah 22, 8)

  • Who seek to make my people forget my name through their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor: as their fathers forgot my name for Baal. (Jeremiah 23, 27)

  • Therefore behold I am against the prophets, saith the Lord: who steal my words every one from his neighbor. (Jeremiah 23, 30)

  • Thus shall you say every one to his neighbor, and to his brother: What hath the Lord answered? and what hath the Lord spoken? (Jeremiah 23, 35)

  • You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thy enemy. (Matthew 5, 43)

“Nossa Senhora recebeu pela inefável bondade de Jesus a força de suportar até o fim as provações do seu amor. Que você também possa encontrar a força de perseverar com o Senhor até o Calvário!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina