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  • Come on, let us ply our father with wine and sleep with him. In this way we can preserve the race by our father.' (Genesis 19, 32)

  • The next day the elder said to the younger, 'Last night, I was the one who slept with our father. Let us make him drunk again tonight, and you go and sleep with him. In this way we can preserve the race by our father.' (Genesis 19, 34)

  • God sent me before you to assure the survival of your race on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. (Genesis 45, 7)

  • You will not exact vengeance on, or bear any sort of grudge against, the members of your race, but will love your neighbour as yourself. I am Yahweh. (Leviticus 19, 18)

  • 'Put this question, then, to the ages that are past, that have gone before you, from when God created the human race on earth: Was there ever a word so majestic, from one end of heaven to the other? Was anything like it ever heard? (Deuteronomy 4, 32)

  • When the Most High gave the nations each their heritage, when he partitioned out the human race, he assigned the boundaries of nations according to the number of the children of God, (Deuteronomy 32, 8)

  • Yahweh rejected the whole race of Israel; he brought them low, delivering them into the hands of marauders, until at length he thrust them away from him. (2 Kings 17, 20)

  • since they and their sons have married some of their women, as a result of which the holy race has been contaminated by the people of the country. The officials and leaders have been the worst offenders in this act of infidelity.' (Ezra 9, 2)

  • and though we belong to the same race as our brothers, and our children are as good as theirs, we shall have to sell our sons and our daughters into slavery; some of our daughters have been sold into slavery already. We can do nothing about it, since our fields and our vineyards now belong to others.' (Nehemiah 5, 5)

  • When the banishment into Assyria came, I was taken away and went to Nineveh. All my brothers and the people of my race ate the food of the heathen, (Tobit 1, 10)

  • In the days of Shalmaneser I had often given alms to the people of my race; (Tobit 1, 16)

  • 'My child, avoid all loose conduct. Choose a wife of your father's stock. Do not take a foreign wife outside your father's tribe, because we are the children of the prophets. Remember Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our ancestors from the beginning. All of them took wives from their own kindred, and they were blessed in their children, and their race will inherit the earth. (Tobit 4, 12)

“Há duas razões principais para se orar com muita satisfação: primeiro para render a Deus a honra e a glória que Lhe são devidas. Segundo, para falar com São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina