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  • 'If, when two men are fighting, the wife of one intervenes to protect her husband from the other's blows by reaching out and seizing the other by his private parts, (Deuteronomy 25, 11)

  • I shall protect this city and save it for my sake and my servant David's sake." ' (2 Kings 19, 34)

  • Amariah the chief priest himself will be your president in all religious cases, and Zebadiah son of Ishmael, leader of the House of Judah, in all civil ones, while the Levites will act as officers of the court. Be firm, put this into practice and may Yahweh protect the right!' (2 Chronicles 19, 11)

  • For I should have been ashamed to ask the king for a company of cavalry to protect us from hostile people on our road, as we had already said to the king, 'The hand of our God is over all who seek him for their protection, but his mighty retribution befalls all those who forsake him.' (Ezra 8, 22)

  • We, however, prayed to our God and organised a guard day and night to protect the city from them. (Nehemiah 4, 3)

  • From then on, half my own retainers went on working, while the other half stood by, armed with spears, shields, bows and armour to protect the whole House of Judah as they rebuilt the wall. (Nehemiah 4, 10)

  • Tobit said, 'Blessings on you, brother!' Then he turned to his son. 'My child', he said, 'prepare what you need for the journey, and set off with your brother. May God in heaven protect you abroad and bring you both back to me safe and sound! May his angel go with you and protect you, my child!' Tobias left the house to set out and kissed his father and mother. Tobit said,' A happy journey!' (Tobit 5, 17)

  • But if their nation is guiltless, my lord would do better to abstain, for fear that their Lord and God should protect them. We should then become the laughing-stock of the whole world.' (Judith 5, 21)

  • 'Achior, who do you think you are, you and the Ephraimite mercenaries, playing the prophet like this with us today, and trying to dissuade us from making war on the people of Israel? You claim their God will protect them. And who is God if not Nebuchadnezzar? He himself will display his power and wipe them off the face of the earth, and their God will certainly not save them. (Judith 6, 2)

  • Although it may not be his will to help us within the next five days, he has the power to protect us for as many days as he pleases, just as he has the power to destroy us before our enemies. (Judith 8, 15)

  • You, Yahweh, will watch over them, you will protect them from that brood for ever. (Psalms 12, 7)

  • [In a quiet voice Of David] Protect me, O God, in you is my refuge. (Psalms 16, 1)

“Pense em Jesus flagelado por amor a você, e ofereça com generosidade um sacrifício a Ele”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina