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  • Go to Gabael's house, give him the receipt and see about the money; then invite him to come with you to my wedding feast. (Tobit 9, 3)

  • You see what Raguel has pledged himself to do; I am bound by his oath.' So Raphael left for Rhages in Media with the four servants and two camels. They stayed with Gabael, and Raphael showed him the receipt. He told him about the marriage of Tobias son of Tobit and gave him his invitation to the wedding feast. Gabael started counting out the sacks to him-- the seals were intact-- and they loaded them on to the camels. (Tobit 9, 5)

  • When the wedding feast was over, Tobit called his son Tobias and said, 'My son, you ought to think about paying the amount due to your fellow traveller; give him more than the figure agreed on.' (Tobit 12, 1)

  • Fire devoured their young men, their young girls had no wedding-song; (Psalms 78, 63)

  • Later, Jonathan and his brother Simon were told that the sons of Amrai were celebrating an important wedding, and were escorting the bride, a daughter of one of the great notables of Canaan, from Nabata with a large retinue. (1 Maccabees 9, 37)

  • Thus, the wedding was turned into mourning and the music of their band into lamentation. (1 Maccabees 9, 41)

  • King Alexander went to meet him, and Ptolemy gave him the hand of his daughter Cleopatra and celebrated her wedding in Ptolemais with great magnificence, as kings do. (1 Maccabees 10, 58)

  • Apollonius son of Menestheus had been sent to Egypt to attend the wedding of King Philometor. Antiochus, having learnt that the latter had become hostile to his affairs, began thinking about his own safety: that was why he had come to Joppa. He then moved to Jerusalem, (2 Maccabees 4, 21)

  • Daughters of Zion, come and see King Solomon, wearing the diadem with which his mother crowned him on his wedding day, on the day of his heart's joy. (Song of Solomon 3, 11)

  • No more will you be known as 'Forsaken' or your country be known as 'Desolation'; instead, you will be called 'My Delight is in her' and your country 'The Wedded'; for Yahweh will take delight in you and your country will have its wedding. (Isaiah 62, 4)

  • 'The kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a king who gave a feast for his son's wedding. (Matthew 22, 2)

  • Next he sent some more servants with the words, "Tell those who have been invited: Look, my banquet is all prepared, my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, everything is ready. Come to the wedding." (Matthew 22, 4)

“O homem sem Deus é um ser mutilado”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina