1. Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.

2. I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord, my only good."

3. The gods of th'e earth are but nothing, cursed be those who delight in them.

4. Those who run after foreign gods only have their sorrows multiplied. Let me not shed blood for them, nor their names be heard on my lips.

5. O Lord, my inheritance and my cup, my chosen portion - hold secure my lot.

6. The best part has been allotted to me. Delightful indeed is my inheritance!

7. I bless the Lord who counsels me; even at night my inmost self instructs me.

8. I keep the Lord always before me; for with him at my right hand, I will never be shaken.

9. My heart, therefore, exults, my soul rejoices; my body too will rest assured.

10. For you will not abandon my soul to the grave, nor will you suffer your holy one to see decay in the land of the dead.

11. You will show me the path of life, in your presence the fullness of joy, at your right hand happiness forever.

“Combata vigorosamente, se está interessado em obter o prêmio destinado às almas fortes.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina