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  • When I reached manhood I married Anna of the race of our forefathers and she bore me a son, Tobias. (Tobit 1, 9)

  • All my goods were confiscated and nothing was left to me that was not taken for the royal treasury, except Anna my wife and Tobias my son. (Tobit 1, 20)

  • When I returned to my house, my wife Anna and my son Tobias were given back to me. At the feast of Pentecost, the sacred feast of the Seven Weeks, they prepared a good meal for me and I sat down to eat. (Tobit 2, 1)

  • When Tobias returned, he said: "Father, one of ours has been strangled and thrown into the public square." (Tobit 2, 3)

  • That same day, at Ecbatana in Media, Sara, the daughter of Ragouel, was insulted in a similar way by her father's young maidservants. (Tobit 3, 7)

  • Sara had had seven husbands, but the demon Asmodeus had killed each one of them before the marriage had been consummated. The maidservants said, "It was you who killed your husbands. You have had seven husbands and you have not enjoyed marital relationship with any of them. (Tobit 3, 8)

  • That same day Sara was so distressed in mind that she went to the upper room in her father's house. She wished to hang herself. But she thought better of it and said: "If people ever reproached my father and said to him: 'You had an only daughter whom you cherished and she hanged herself because she was unhappy,' I would cause my father in his old age to die of grief. It is better for me not to hang myself but to ask the Lord that I may die and not live to hear any more insults." (Tobit 3, 10)

  • The Lord in his glory heard the prayer of Tobit and of Sara (Tobit 3, 16)

  • and he sent Raphael to heal them both - to give back his sight to Tobit and to give Sara, the daughter of Ragouel, to Tobit's son Tobias, as his wife. Also, Raphael would enchain the wicked demon Asmodeus so that Sara would be the wife of Tobias. At the same time Tobit, who had gone for a short walk, returned to the house; and Sara, the daughter of Ragouel, came down from the upper room. (Tobit 3, 17)

  • "I have asked for death, had I better not call Tobias and tell him about this money before I die?" (Tobit 4, 2)

  • He called Tobias and said to him: "My son, when I die, see to my burial. Look after your mother. Honor her all the days of your life. Do what pleases her and do not cause her any pain. (Tobit 4, 3)

  • Tobias spoke to Tobit, "Father, I shall do everything you have asked. (Tobit 5, 1)

“O Senhor sempre orienta e chama; mas não se quer segui-lo e responder-lhe, pois só se vê os próprios interesses. Às vezes, pelo fato de se ouvir sempre a Sua voz, ninguém mais se apercebe dela; mas o Senhor ilumina e chama. São os homens que se colocam na posição de não conseguir mais escutar.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina