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  • And the seven lean and thin kine that came up after them, and the seven thin ears that were blasted with the burning wind, are seven years of famine to come: (Genesis 41, 27)

  • And the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he saw that the bush was on fire and was not burnt. (Exodus 3, 2)

  • And Moses said: I will go and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. (Exodus 3, 3)

  • And when the Lord saw that he went forward to see, he called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said: Moses, Moses. And he answered: Here I am. (Exodus 3, 4)

  • And Moses stretched forth his rod upon the land of Egypt: and the Lord brought a burning wind all that day, and night: and when it was morning, the burning wind raised the locusts: (Exodus 10, 13)

  • And when Moses had stretched forth his hand over the sea, the Lord took it away by a strong and burning wind blowing all the night, and turned it into dry ground: and the water was divided. (Exodus 14, 21)

  • Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. (Exodus 21, 25)

  • And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like a burning fire upon the top of the mount, in the eyes of the children of Israel. (Exodus 24, 17)

  • Adding in the sacrifice the libations, which are offered withal, and burning them upon the altar, besides the ceremonies of the morning holocaust. (Leviticus 9, 17)

  • And Moses said to Aaron, and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons: Uncover not your heads, and rend not your garments, lest perhaps you die, and indignation come upon all the congregation. Let your brethren, and all the house of Israel, bewail the burning which the Lord has kindled: (Leviticus 10, 6)

  • But if the whiteness stay in its place, and be not very clear, it is the sore of a burning, and therefore he shall be cleansed, because it is only the scar of a burning. (Leviticus 13, 28)

  • And taking the censer, which he hath filled with the burning coals of the altar, and taking up with his hand the compounded perfume for incense, he shall go in within the veil into the holy place: (Leviticus 16, 12)

“O medo excessivo nos faz agir sem amor, mas a confiança excessiva não nos deixa considerar o perigo que vamos enfrentar”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina