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  • Jacob said to them, "Friends, where are you from?" "We are from Haran," they replied. (Genesis 29, 4)

  • and he told them, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Put your sword on your hip, every one of you! Now go up and down the camp, from gate to gate, and slay your own kinsmen, your friends and neighbors!" (Exodus 32, 27)

  • May all your enemies perish thus, O LORD! but your friends be as the sun rising in its might! And the land was at rest for forty years. (Judges 5, 31)

  • Enraged at the words of Ishbaal, Abner said, "Am I a dog's head in Judah? At present I am doing a kindness to the house of your father Saul, to his brothers and his friends, by keeping you out of David's clutches; yet this day you charge me with a crime involving a woman! (2 Samuel 3, 8)

  • Haman restrained himself, however, and went home, where he summoned his friends and his wife Zeresh. (Esther 5, 10)

  • His wife Zeresh and all his friends said to him, "Have a gibbet set up, fifty cubits in height, and in the morning ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on it. Then go to the banquet with the king in good cheer." This suggestion pleased Haman, and he had the gibbet erected. (Esther 5, 14)

  • When he told his wife Zeresh and all his friends everything that had happened to him, his advisers and his wife Zeresh said to him, "If Mordecai, before whom you are beginning to decline, is of the Jewish race, you will not prevail against him, but will surely be defeated by him." (Esther 6, 13)

  • Now when three of Job's friends heard of all the misfortune that had come upon him, they set out each one from his own place: Eliphaz from Teman, Bildad from Shuh, and Zophar from Naamath. They met and journeyed together to give him sympathy and comfort. (Job 2, 11)

  • My friends it is who wrong me; before God my eyes drop tears, (Job 16, 20)

  • My brethren have withdrawn from me, and my friends are wholly estranged. (Job 19, 13)

  • All my intimate friends hold me in horror; those whom I loved have turned against me! (Job 19, 19)

  • Pity me, pity me, O you my friends, for the hand of God has struck me! (Job 19, 21)

“Se você não entrega seu coração a Deus, o que lhe entrega?” “Você deve seguir outra estrada. Tire de seu coração todas as paixões deste mundo, humilhe-se na poeira e reze! Dessa forma, certamente você encontrará Deus, que lhe dará paz e serenidade nesta vida e a eterna beatitude na próxima.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina